资源分享 – Large Scale C++ volume I, Process and architecture 英文PDF下载
1 Large Scale C++ volume I, Process and architecture 英文PDF下载
1.1 书籍简介
Writing reliable and maintainable C++ software is hard. Designing such software at scale adds a new set of challenges. Creating large-scale systems requires a practical understanding of logical design – beyond the theoretical concepts addressed in most popular texts. To be successful on an enterprise scale, developers must also address physical design, a dimension of software engineering that may be unfamiliar even to expert developers. Drawing on over 30 years of hands-on experience building massive, mission-critical enterprise systems, John Lakos shows how to create and grow Software Capital. This groundbreaking volume lays the foundation for projects of all sizes and demonstrates the processes, methods, techniques, and tools needed for successful real-world, large-scale development.
编写可靠且可维护的 C++ 软件很困难。大规模设计此类软件增加了一系列新的挑战。创建大型系统需要对逻辑设计有实际的理解——超出了大多数流行文本中讨论的理论概念。为了在企业规模上取得成功,开发人员还必须解决物理设计问题,这是软件工程的一个维度,即使对于专家开发人员来说也可能不熟悉。 John Lakos 凭借 30 多年构建大型关键任务企业系统的实践经验,展示了如何创建和发展软件资本。这本开创性的书为各种规模的项目奠定了基础,并展示了成功的现实大规模开发所需的流程、方法、技术和工具。
1.2 资源下载
资源名称:资源分享 – Large Scale C++ volume I, Process and architecture 英文PDF下载
原文标题:资源分享 – Large Scale C++ volume I, Process and architecture 英文PDF下载
发布于:2024年01月24日 16:44:38
修改于:2024年01月24日 16:44:58