1 C++ std::string字符串格式化


if __name__ == '__main__':
    format_str = "There are {} fools in the world".format(10)



  • C语言中如何进行字符串格式化
  • C++20之前的版本如何进行字符串格式化
  • C++20的字符串格式化标准库函数std::format

1.1 C语言中的字符串格式化


int sprintf(char* buffer, const char* format, ... );     //不推荐使用 
int snprintf(char* buffer, std::size_t buf_size, const char* format, ... );


#include <iostream>

int main()
    char format_str[64] = { 0 };
    snprintf(format_str, sizeof(format_str) - 1, "There are %d fools in the world", 10);
    std::cout << format_str << std::endl;

1.2 C++使用std::stringstream进行字符串格式化


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main()
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "There are ";
    ss << 10;
    ss << " fools in the world";

    std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;

    return 0;


1.3 开源的C++字符串格式化工具


1.3.1 fmt



std::string s = fmt::format("The answer is {}.", 42);
std::string s = fmt::format("I'd rather be {1} than {0}.", "right", "happy");

1.3.2 format



#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace util
    class ArgBase
        ArgBase() {}
        virtual ~ArgBase() {}
        virtual void Format(std::ostringstream &ss, const std::string& fmt) = 0;

    template <class T>
    class Arg : public ArgBase
        Arg(T arg) : m_arg(arg) {}
        virtual ~Arg(){}
        virtual void Format(std::ostringstream &ss, const std::string& fmt)
            ss << m_arg;
        T m_arg;

    class ArgArray : public std::vector < ArgBase* >
        ArgArray() {}
            std::for_each(begin(), end(), [](ArgBase* p){ delete p; });

    static void FormatItem(std::ostringstream& ss, const std::string& item, const ArgArray& args)
        int index = 0;
        int alignment = 0;
        std::string fmt;

        char* endptr = nullptr;
        index = strtol(&item[0], &endptr, 10);
        if (index < 0 || index >= args.size())

        if (*endptr == ',')
            alignment = strtol(endptr + 1, &endptr, 10);
            if (alignment > 0)
                ss << std::right << std::setw(alignment);
            else if (alignment < 0)
                ss << std::left << std::setw(-alignment);

        if (*endptr == ':')
            fmt = endptr + 1;

        args[index]->Format(ss, fmt);


    template <class T>
    static void Transfer(ArgArray& argArray, T t)
        argArray.push_back(new Arg<T>(t));

    template <class T, typename... Args>
    static void Transfer(ArgArray& argArray, T t, Args&&... args)
        Transfer(argArray, t);
        Transfer(argArray, args...);

    template <typename... Args>
    std::string Format(const std::string& format, Args&&... args)
        if (sizeof...(args) == 0)
            return format;

        ArgArray argArray;
        Transfer(argArray, args...);
        size_t start = 0;
        size_t pos = 0;
        std::ostringstream ss;
        while (true)
            pos = format.find('{', start);
            if (pos == std::string::npos)
                ss << format.substr(start);

            ss << format.substr(start, pos - start);
            if (format[pos + 1] == '{')
                ss << '{';
                start = pos + 2;

            start = pos + 1;
            pos = format.find('}', start);
            if (pos == std::string::npos)
                ss << format.substr(start - 1);

            FormatItem(ss, format.substr(start, pos - start), argArray);
            start = pos + 1;

        return ss.str();


#include <iostream>
#include "Format.h"

int main()
    std::string format_str = util::Format("There are {0} fools in the world",10);
    std::cout << format_str << std::endl;

    return 0;

1.3.3 sformat



#pragma once

#include <tuple>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

template <class T>
inline void ToString(std::string & ret, T && val)

inline void ToString(std::string & ret, const std::string & val)

inline void ToString(std::string & ret, const char * val)

template <int N>
struct SFormatN {
    static std::string Format(const char * fmt)
        static_assert(false, "");

template <>
struct SFormatN<0> {
    template <class ...ARGS>
    static std::string Format(const char * fmt, const std::tuple<ARGS...> &)
        return fmt;

template <class ...ARGS>
std::string SFormat(const char * fmt, const ARGS &...args)
    const auto tuple = std::forward_as_tuple(args...);
    return SFormatN<sizeof...(args)>::Format(fmt, tuple);

#define FMT_N(idx) case idx: ToString(ret, std::get<idx>(args)); break;

#define FMT_PARSE(N, ...)                                                          \
template <>                                                                         \
struct SFormatN<N> {                                                                \
    template <class... ARGS>                                                        \
    static std::string Format(const char * fmt, const std::tuple<ARGS...> & args)   \
    {   std::string ret;                                                            \
        while (*fmt != '\0') { auto idx = -1;                                       \
            if (*fmt == '{') { idx = 0; ++fmt;                                      \
                while (*fmt >= '0' && *fmt <= '9')                                  \
                    { idx *= 10; idx += (int)(*fmt++ - '0'); }                      \
                if (*fmt != '}') idx = -1; else ++fmt;                              \
            }                                                                       \
            switch (idx) { __VA_ARGS__ default: ret.append(1, *fmt++); break; }     \
        }                                                                           \
        return ret;                                                                 \
    }                                                                               \

FMT_PARSE(3, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2))
FMT_PARSE(4, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3))
FMT_PARSE(5, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4))
FMT_PARSE(6, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5))
FMT_PARSE(7, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6))
FMT_PARSE(8, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7))
FMT_PARSE(9, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8))
FMT_PARSE(10, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9))
FMT_PARSE(11, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10))
FMT_PARSE(12, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11))
FMT_PARSE(13, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12))
FMT_PARSE(14, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13))
FMT_PARSE(15, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14))
FMT_PARSE(16, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15))
FMT_PARSE(17, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16))
FMT_PARSE(18, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16) FMT_N(17))
FMT_PARSE(19, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16) FMT_N(17) FMT_N(18))
FMT_PARSE(20, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16) FMT_N(17) FMT_N(18) FMT_N(19))
FMT_PARSE(21, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16) FMT_N(17) FMT_N(18) FMT_N(19) FMT_N(20))
FMT_PARSE(22, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16) FMT_N(17) FMT_N(18) FMT_N(19) FMT_N(20) FMT_N(21))
FMT_PARSE(23, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16) FMT_N(17) FMT_N(18) FMT_N(19) FMT_N(20) FMT_N(21) FMT_N(22))
FMT_PARSE(24, FMT_N(0) FMT_N(1) FMT_N(2) FMT_N(3) FMT_N(4) FMT_N(5) FMT_N(6) FMT_N(7) FMT_N(8) FMT_N(9) FMT_N(10) FMT_N(11) FMT_N(12) FMT_N(13) FMT_N(14) FMT_N(15) FMT_N(16) FMT_N(17) FMT_N(18) FMT_N(19) FMT_N(20) FMT_N(21) FMT_N(22) FMT_N(23))



#include <iostream>
#include "sformat.h"

int main()
    std::string format_str = SFormat("There are {0} fools in the world",10);
    std::cout << format_str << std::endl;

    return 0;

1.4 自定义的C++字符串格式化函数


// std::string的字符串格式化函数
template<typename ... Args>
static std::string str_format(const std::string &format, Args ... args)
    auto size_buf = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, format.c_str(), args ...) + 1; 
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new(std::nothrow) char[size_buf]);

    if (!buf)
        return std::string("");

    std::snprintf(buf.get(), size_buf, format.c_str(), args ...);
    return std::string(buf.get(), buf.get() + size_buf - 1); 

// std::wstring的字符串格式化函数
template<typename ... Args>
static std::wstring wstr_format(const std::wstring &format, Args ... args)
    auto size_buf = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, format.c_str(), args ...) + 1; 
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new(std::nothrow) char[size_buf]);

    if (!buf)
        return std::wstring("");

    std::snprintf(buf.get(), size_buf, format.c_str(), args ...);
    return std::wstring(buf.get(), buf.get() + size_buf - 1); 


#include <iostream>

template<typename ... Args>
static std::string str_format(const std::string& format, Args ... args)
    auto size_buf = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, format.c_str(), args ...) + 1;
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new(std::nothrow) char[size_buf]);

    if (!buf)
        return std::string("");

    std::snprintf(buf.get(), size_buf, format.c_str(), args ...);
    return std::string(buf.get(), buf.get() + size_buf - 1);

int main()
    std::string format_str = str_format("There are %d fools in the world", 10);

    std::cout << format_str << std::endl;

    return 0;

1.5 C++20的字符串标准库函数std::format



template<class... Args>
std::string format(std::string_view fmt, const Args&... args);

template<class... Args>
std::wstring format(std::wstring_view fmt, const Args&... args);

template<class... Args>
std::string format(const std::locale& loc, std::string_view fmt, const Args&... args);

template<class... Args>
std::wstring format(const std::locale& loc, std::wstring_view fmt, const Args&... args);


#include <iostream>
#include <format>

int main()
    std::string format_str = std::format("There are {} fools in the world",10);
    std::cout << format_str << std::endl;

    return 0;
