1 动作识别Action Recognition最重要的问题

引用一下Human Action Recognition and Prediction: A Survey中一段话,我觉得总结的比较到位。

The first and the foremost important problem in action recognition is how to represent an action in a video. Human actions appearing in videos differ in their motion speed, camera view, appearance and pose variations, etc, making action representation a really challenging problem. A successful action representation method should be efficient to compute, effective to characterize actions, and can maximize the discrepancy between actions, in order to minimize the classification error.
One of the major challenges in action recognition is large appearance and pose variations in one action category, making the recognition task difficult. The goal of action representation is to convert an action video into a feature vector, extract representative and discriminative information of human actions, and minimize the variations, thereby improving the recognition performance.



所以对于近几年新兴的Video Recognition、Action Recognition任务,如何从多变背景的视频准确提取人物背景特征,对实现识别任务的高准确率非常重要。希望通过不断的研究可以出现类似于语音识别比较公认的快速并准确的视频运动特征提取方法。