计算机图形学 – Flat Shading、Gouraud Shading、Phong Shading的区别
1 Flat Shading、Gouraud Shading、Phong Shading的区别
从下图可以看出Flat Shading、Gouraud Shading、Phong Shading三种着色模型的区别,其中a为Flat Shading,b为Gouraud Shading,c为Phong Shading。
1.1 三种Shading Model的比较
1.1.1 算法的提出
Flat Shading >> Gouraud Shading >> Phong Shading
1.1.2 从简单到复杂
Flat Shading >> Gouraud Shading >> Phong Shading
1.1.3 原理上
- Flat Shading:constant surface shading,三角形的顶点没有法向量,三角形的整个面才有法向量,打光时整个三角形只呈现一种颜色;
- Gouraud Shading:color interpolation shading,三角形的各个顶点都有法向量,打光时三个顶点都有各自的颜色,然后通过双线性内插(bilinear interpolation)插值整个三角面片的颜色,这导致整个三角形会存在渐变的颜色效果;
- Phong Shading:vertex normal interpolation shading,三角形的各个顶点都有各自的法向量,先对三角形整个面做法向量的双线性内插,然后打光求整个三角形的颜色;
1.1.4 复杂度
- Flat Shading:N * L
- Gouraud Shading:N * (3 * L+ b * A)
- Phong Shading:(B + L) * N * A
所以计算复杂度是:Flading Shading < Gouraud Shading < Phong Shading
1.1.5 三者的着色示意图如下
1.1.6 三者的GLSL shader Gouraud Shader
vertex shader
#version 420 core
// Per-vertex inputs
layout (location = 0) in vec4 position;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 normal;
// Matrices we'll need
layout (std140) uniform constants
mat4 mv_matrix;
mat4 view_matrix;
mat4 proj_matrix;
// Light and material properties
uniform vec3 light_pos = vec3(100.0, 100.0, 100.0);
uniform vec3 diffuse_albedo = vec3(0.5, 0.2, 0.7);
uniform vec3 specular_albedo = vec3(0.7);
uniform float specular_power = 128.0;
uniform vec3 ambient = vec3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
// Outputs to the fragment shader
out VS_OUT
vec3 color;
} vs_out;
void main(void) {
// Calculate view-space coordinate
vec4 P = mv_matrix * position;
// Calculate normal in view space
vec3 N = mat3(mv_matrix) * normal;
// Calculate view-space light vector
vec3 L = light_pos - P.xyz;
// Calculate view vector (simply the negative of the
// view-space position)
vec3 V = -P.xyz;
// Normalize all three vectors
N = normalize(N);
L = normalize(L);
V = normalize(V);
// Calculate R by reflecting -L around the plane defined by N
vec3 R = reflect(-L, N);
// Calculate the diffuse and specular contributions
vec3 diffuse = max(dot(N, L), 0.0) * diffuse_albedo;
vec3 specular = pow(max(dot(R, V), 0.0), specular_power) *
// Send the color output to the fragment shader
vs_out.color = ambient + diffuse + specular;
// Calculate the clip-space position of each vertex
gl_Position = proj_matrix * P;
fragment shader
#version 420 core
// Output
layout (location = 0) out vec4 color;
// Input from vertex shader
vec3 color;
} fs_in;
void main(void)
// Write incoming color to the framebuffer
color = vec4(fs_in.color, 1.0);
} Phong Shader
vertex shader
#version 420 core
// Per-vertex inputs
layout (location = 0) in vec4 position;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 normal;
// Matrices we'll need
layout (std140) uniform constants
mat4 mv_matrix;
mat4 view_matrix;
mat4 proj_matrix;
// Inputs from vertex shader
out VS_OUT
vec3 N;
vec3 L;
vec3 V;
} vs_out;
// Position of light
uniform vec3 light_pos = vec3(100.0, 100.0, 100.0);
void main(void) {
// Calculate view-space coordinate
vec4 P = mv_matrix * position;
// Calculate normal in view-space
vs_out.N = mat3(mv_matrix) * normal;
// Calculate light vector
vs_out.L = light_pos - P.xyz;
// Calculate view vector
vs_out.V = -P.xyz;
// Calculate the clip-space position of each vertex
gl_Position = proj_matrix * P;
fragment shader
#version 420 core
// Output
layout (location = 0) out vec4 color;
// Input from vertex shader
vec3 N;
vec3 L;
vec3 V;
} fs_in;
// Material properties
uniform vec3 diffuse_albedo = vec3(0.5, 0.2, 0.7);
uniform vec3 specular_albedo = vec3(0.7);
uniform float specular_power = 128.0;
void main(void)
// Normalize the incoming N, L, and V vectors
vec3 N = normalize(fs_in.N);
vec3 L = normalize(fs_in.L);
vec3 V = normalize(fs_in.V);
// Calculate R locally
vec3 R = reflect(-L, N);
// Compute the diffuse and specular components for each
// fragment
vec3 diffuse = max(dot(N, L), 0.0) * diffuse_albedo;
vec3 specular = pow(max(dot(R, V), 0.0), specular_power) *
// Write final color to the framebuffer
color = vec4(diffuse + specular, 1.0);
原文标题:计算机图形学 – Flat Shading、Gouraud Shading、Phong Shading的区别
发布于:2022年06月01日 11:11:39
修改于:2023年06月26日 20:03:51