
有人说计算机图形学一般包含几何(Geometry)、渲染(Rendering)、模拟(Simulation),也有人说计算机图形学主要包含建模(Modeling)、渲染(Rendering)、动画(Animation)、人机交互(Human-computer Interaction)。本书单想从计算几何和计算机图形学两个方面总结一下可看的书籍,计算图形学主要从图形学数学基础、渲染、动画、模拟、游戏引擎设计与开发、图形API等方面总结,计算几何主要从点、线、面等基础几何体以及相互关系总结。





  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
  • Physically Based Rendering From Theory To Implementation
  • Real-Time Rendering
  • GPU Gems
  • ShaderX
  • GPU Pro
  • GPU Zen
  • GPU Pro 360
  • Foundations of Game Engine Development
  • 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
  • Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications
  • Jim Blinn's Corner
  • Game Engine Gems
  • Game Engine Architecture
  • Graphics Gems
  • Ray Tracing in One Week
  • Game Programming Gems
  • The HDRI Handbook
  • High Dynamic Range Imaging
  • Interactive Computer Graphics
  • Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping
  • Ray Tracing Gems
  • Efficient Illumination Algorithms for Global Illumination In Interactive and Real-Time Rendering
  • Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics
  • Real-Time Shadows
  • Advanced global illumination
  • Computer Graphics Principles and Practice
  • Computer Graphics Through OpenGL – From Theory to Experiments
  • Game Physics Engine Development- How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game
  • Graphics Shaders - Theory and Practice
  • Insights
  • The Magic of Computer Graphics - Landmarks in Rendering
  • OpenGL Programming Guide
  • OpenGL SuperBible
  • OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook
  • OpenGL Shading Language
  • Fluid Engine Development
  • Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics
  • The Nature of Code - Simulating Natural Systems with Processing
  • Game Physics Pearls
  • Game Physics
  • Game Physics Cookbook
  • Physics for Game Developers
  • Physics for Game Programmers
  • Physics Modeling for Game Programmers
  • Physics-Based Animation
  • Foundations of Physically Based Modeling and Animation
  • Production Volume Rendering - Design and Implementation
  • Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments
  • Real-Time Collision Detection
  • Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX
  • Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11
  • Real-Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL - A Practical Guide to Graphics Programming
  • The Art of Fluid Animation
  • Ray Tracing from the Ground Up
  • Character Animation With Direct3D
  • Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++
  • Vulkan Programming Guide - The Official Guide to Learning Vulkan
  • Learning Vulkan
  • Vulkan Cookbook - Work through recipes to unlock the full potential of the next generation graphics API-Vulkan
  • GLSL Essentials - Enrich your 3D scenes with the power of GLSL
  • Computer Animation - Algorithms and Techniques
  • The Ray Tracer Challenge - A Test-Driven Guide to Your First 3D Renderer
  • Ray Tracing - A Tool for All
  • Cloth Simulation for Computer Graphics
  • Real-Time Volume Graphics
  • Computer Graphics from Scratch - A Programmer's Introduction to 3D Rendering
  • 3D Game Engine Design - A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
  • 3D Game Engine Architecture - Engineering Real-Time Applications with Wild Magic
  • Real-Time Cameras - A Guide for Game Designers and Developers
  • Game AI Pro - Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals
  • Game AI Pro 360
  • Visualizing Quaternions
  • Quaternions for Computer Graphics
  • 3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes
  • Texturing and Modeling - A Procedural Approach
  • Level of Detail for 3D Graphics
  • Non-Photorealistic Rendering
  • Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics - Modeling, Rendering, and Animation
  • The Algorithms and Principles of Non-photorealistic Graphics - Artistic Rendering and Cartoon Animation
  • Digital Character Development - Theory and Practice
  • 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook - A comprehensive guide to exploring rendering algorithms in modern OpenGL and Vulkan
  • Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus - Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization
  • Graphics Programming Methods
  • Principles of Digital Image Synthesis
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Game Development Tools
  • Div, Grad, Curl, and All That - An Informal Text on Vector Calculus
  • Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques - A Platform-Agnostic Approach
  • Game Programming Patterns
  • Game Programming Golden Rules
  • Augmented Reality - Principles and Practice
  • Practical Augmented Reality - A Guide to the Technologies, Applications, and Human Factors for AR and VR-Addison
  • VR Developer Gems
  • Image Objects - An Archaeology of Computer Graphics
  • Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging
  • A Biography of the Pixel
  • Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++
  • GPGPU Programming for Games and Science
  • Computer Facial Animation
  • Handbook of Digital Image Synthesis - Scientific Foundations of Rendering
  • Image Content Retargeting - Maintaining Color, Tone, and Spatial Consistency
  • Introduction to Computer Graphics - A Practical Learning Approach
  • Direct3D Rendering Cookbook
  • Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics
  • Computer Graphics - From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware
  • The History of Visual Magic in Computers - How Beautiful Images are Made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR
  • WebGL Programming Guide - Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with WebGL
  • Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming
  • The CUDA Handbook - A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming
  • OpenGL Development Cookbook
  • GPU Computing Gems
  • 3D Graphics for Game Programming
  • Light & Skin Interactions - Simulations for Computer Graphics Applications
  • Video Game Optimization
  • Mathematics for Computer Graphics
  • An Integrated Introduction to Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling
  • Digital Modeling of Material Appearance
  • Color Imaging - Fundamentals and Applications
  • Data Structures and Algorithms for Game Developers
  • Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics
  • Advances in GPU Research and Practice
  • Learn OpenGL - Learn modern OpenGL graphics programming in a step-by-step fashion
  • Simulating Humans - Computer Graphics Animation and Control
  • WebGL Gems - Learn How To Create 3D Worlds And Games For Modern Web Browsers
  • Computer Graphics, C Version
  • Vector Analysis for Computer Graphics
  • Calculus for Computer Graphics
  • Digital Lighting & Rendering
  • Foundations of 3D computer graphics
  • Computer Graphics with OpenGL
  • Practical Linear Algebra - A Geometry Toolbox
  • An Introduction to Ray Tracing
  • AI Game Engine Programming
  • AI Game Programming Wisdom
  • Artificial Intelligence for Games
  • Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
  • Cloth Modeling and Animation
  • Virtual Clothing - Theory and Practice
  • Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling - Implementation and Algorithms
  • Designing the User Experience of Game Development Tools
  • Real-Time 3D Graphics with WebGL 2
  • Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics
  • Matrix Transforms for Computer Games and Animation
  • Mathematical Basics of Motion and Deformation in Computer Graphics
  • Geometric and Discrete Path Planning for Interactive Virtual Worlds
  • Hands-On C++ Game Animation Programming
  • An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Finite Volume Method
  • Mastering Graphics Programming with Vulkan
  • Practical Shader Development - Vertex and Fragment Shaders for Game Developers
  • The Modern Vulkan Cookbook - A practical guide to 3D graphics and advanced real-time rendering techniques in Vulkan


  • Polygon Mesh Processing
  • Computational Geometry – Algorithms and Applications
  • Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry
  • Geometric tools for computer graphics
  • Computational Geometry in C
  • Computational Geometry:An Introduction
  • Geometric Algebra for Computer Science - An Object-Oriented Approach to Geometry
  • Isosurfaces - Geometry, Topology, and Algorithms
  • Guide to Computational Geometry Processing Foundations, Algorithms, and Methods
  • Discrete and Computational Geometry
  • Robust and Error-Free Geometric Computing
  • Implicit Curves and Surfaces - Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Computational Geometry - An Introduction Through Randomized Algorithms
  • Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces
  • Nonlinear Computational Geometry
  • Handbook of Computer Aided Geometric Design
  • Computational Geometry on Surfaces - Performing Computational Geometry on the Cylinder, the Sphere, the Torus, and the Cone
  • Geometry for Computer Graphics - Formulae, Examples and Proofs
  • Introduction to Computing with Geometry
  • Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics
  • Geometry for Programmers


Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Second Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1343/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Third Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1065/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fourth Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1071/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fifth Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1894/

Physically Based Rendering From Theory To Implementation

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physically Based Rendering From Theory To Implementation(First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1208/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physically Based Rendering From Theory To Implementation (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1198/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physically Based Rendering From Theory To Implementation (Third Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/862/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physically Based Rendering From Theory To Implementation (Fourth Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/2605/

Real-Time Rendering

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time Rendering, Second Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1503/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/896/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/897/

GPU Gems

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Gems 1 – Programming Techniques, Tips and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1230/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Gems 2 – Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1231/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Gems 3 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1233/


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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog ShaderX1 – Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1294/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog ShaderX2 – Introductions and Tutorials with DirectX9.0 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1298/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog ShaderX3 – Advanced Rendering with DirectX and OpenGL https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1300/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog ShaderX4 - Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/2877/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog ShaderX5 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1305/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog ShaderX6 - Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/2878/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog ShaderX7 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1312/


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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 1 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1275/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 2 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1280/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 3 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1282/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 4 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1285/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 5 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1286/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 6 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1288/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 7 – Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1292/


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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Zen 1:Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/899/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Zen 2:Advanced Rendering Techniques https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1341/

GPU Pro 360

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to 3D Engine Design https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1320/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to Geometry Manipulation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1321/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to GPGPU https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1322/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to Image Space https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1323/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to Lighting https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1328/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to Mobile Devices https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1333/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to Rendering https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1337/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GPU Pro 360 – Guide to Shadows https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1339/

Foundations of Game Engine Development

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 1 Mathematics https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1345/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 2 Rendering https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1347/

3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development (First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1356/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1358/

Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications(First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1349/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications(Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1353/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications(Third Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1354/

Jim Blinn's Corner

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Jim Blinn’s Corner – A Trip Down the Graphics Pipeline https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1316/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Jim Blinn‘s Corner – Dirty Pixels https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1317/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Jim Blinn’s Corner – Notation, Notation, Notation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1318/

Game Engine Gems

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Engine Gems 1 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1234/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Engine Gems 2 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1238/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Engine Gems 3 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1240/

Game Engine Architecture

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Engine Architecture (First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1187/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Engine Architecture (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1189/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Engine Architecture (Third Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1197/

Graphics Gems

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Graphics Gems I https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1242/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Graphics Gems II https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1244/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Graphics Gems III https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1249/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Graphics Gems IV https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1254/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Graphics Gems V https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1255/

Ray Tracing in One Week

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Ray Tracing in One Weekend https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1085/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Ray Tracing – The Next Week https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1088/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Ray Tracing – The Rest of Your Life https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1091/

Game Programming Gems

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 1 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1258/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 2 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1261/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 3 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1263/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 4 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1267/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 5 缺失
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 6 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1271/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 7 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1273/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Programming Gems 8 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1274/

The HDRI Handbook

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog The HDRI Handbook- High Dynamic Range Imaging for Photographers and CG Artists https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1217/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog The HDRI Handbook 2.0- High Dynamic Range Imaging for Photographers and CG Artists https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1219/

High Dynamic Range Imaging

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog High Dynamic Range Imaging- Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting ( First Edition ) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1211/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog High Dynamic Range Imaging- Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting ( Second Edition ) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1214/

Interactive Computer Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Interactive Computer Graphics – A top-down approach with shader-based OpenGL(Six 6th Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1204/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Interactive Computer Graphics – A top-down approach with WebGL(Seven 7th Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1205/

Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1200/

Ray Tracing Gems

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Ray Tracing Gems – High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other APIs https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1185/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Ray Tracing Gems II - Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX-Apress https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1551/

Efficient Illumination Algorithms for Global Illumination In Interactive and Real-Time Rendering

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Efficient Illumination Algorithms for Global Illumination In Interactive and Real-Time Rendering https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1177/

Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Second Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1174/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1175/

Real-Time Shadows

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time Shadows https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1074/

Advanced global illumination

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Advanced global illumination (2nd Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1056/

Computer Graphics Principles and Practice

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Computer Graphics Principles and Practice (3rd edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1054/

Computer Graphics Through OpenGL – From Theory to Experiments

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Computer Graphics Through OpenGL – From Theory to Experiments (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1176/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Computer Graphics Through OpenGL – From Theory to Experiments (Third Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1049/

Game Physics Engine Development

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Physics Engine Development (First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1377/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Physics Engine Development- How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1359/

Graphics Shaders - Theory and Practice

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Graphics Shaders – Theory and Practice (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1361/


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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL Insights https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1366/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog WebGL Insights https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1367/

The Magic of Computer Graphics - Landmarks in Rendering

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog The Magic of Computer Graphics – Landmarks in Rendering https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1368/

OpenGL Programming Guide

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL Programming Guide - The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 3.0 and 3.1 (Seventh Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1474/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL Programming Guide - The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.3 (Eighth Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1485/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL Programming Guide - The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.5 with SPIR-V (Ninth Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1488/

OpenGL SuperBible

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL SuperBible - Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (Fifth Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1492/
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OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook (First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1369/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1370/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook (Third Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1373/

OpenGL Shading Language

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog OpenGL Shading Language (Third Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1374/

Fluid Engine Development

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Fluid Engine Development https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1378/

Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics, First Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1060/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics, Second Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1063/

The Nature of Code - Simulating Natural Systems with Processing

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog The Nature of Code - Simulating Natural Systems with Processing https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1610/

Game Physics Pearls

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Physics Pearls https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1379/

Game Physics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Physics (First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1381/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Physics (Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1382/

Game Physics Cookbook

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game Physics Cookbook https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1746/

Physics for Game Developers

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physics for Game Developers(First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1383/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physics for Game Developers(Second Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1385/

Physics for Game Programmers

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physics for Game Programmers https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1386/

Physics Modeling for Game Programmers

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physics Modeling for Game Programmers https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1389/

Physics-Based Animation

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Physics-Based Animation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1390/

Foundations of Physically Based Modeling and Animation

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Foundations of Physically Based Modeling and Animation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1223/

Production Volume Rendering - Design and Implementation

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Production Volume Rendering – Design and Implementation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1391/

Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1392/

Real-Time Collision Detection

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time Collision Detection https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1395/

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/2125/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/2116/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1554/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1397/

Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1665/

Real-Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL - A Practical Guide to Graphics Programming

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL - A Practical Guide to Graphics Programming https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1668/

The Art of Fluid Animation

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog The Art of Fluid Animation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1418/

Ray Tracing from the Ground Up

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Ray Tracing from the Ground Up https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1420/

Character Animation With Direct3D

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Character Animation With Direct3D https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1421/

Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++ https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1674/

Vulkan Programming Guide - The Official Guide to Learning Vulkan

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Vulkan Programming Guide – The Official Guide to Learning Vulkan https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1423/

Learning Vulkan

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Learning Vulkan https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1501/

Vulkan Cookbook - Work through recipes to unlock the full potential of the next generation graphics API-Vulkan

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Vulkan Cookbook – Work through recipes to unlock the full potential of the next generation graphics API-Vulkan https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1502/

GLSL Essentials - Enrich your 3D scenes with the power of GLSL

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog GLSL Essentials – Enrich your 3D scenes with the power of GLSL https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1466/

Computer Animation - Algorithms and Techniques

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Computer Animation – Algorithms and Techniques (First Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1467/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Computer Animation – Algorithms and Techniques (Third Edition) https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1471/

The Ray Tracer Challenge - A Test-Driven Guide to Your First 3D Renderer

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog The Ray Tracer Challenge – A Test-Driven Guide to Your First 3D Renderer https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1556/

Ray Tracing - A Tool for All

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Ray Tracing - A Tool for All https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1558/

Cloth Simulation for Computer Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Cloth Simulation for Computer Graphics https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1560/

Real-Time Volume Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time Volume Graphics https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1564/

Computer Graphics from Scratch - A Programmer's Introduction to 3D Rendering

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Computer Graphics from Scratch - A Programmer's Introduction to 3D Rendering https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1569/

3D Game Engine Design - A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog 3D Game Engine Design - A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1592/

3D Game Engine Architecture - Engineering Real-Time Applications with Wild Magic

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog 3D Game Engine Architecture - Engineering Real-Time Applications with Wild Magic https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1664/

Real-Time Cameras - A Guide for Game Designers and Developers

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Real-Time Cameras – A Guide for Game Designers and Developers https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1596/

Game AI Pro - Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game AI Pro - Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1599/
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Game AI Pro 360

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game AI Pro 360 – Guide to Architecture https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1602/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game AI Pro 360 - Guide to Character Behavior https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1604/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game AI Pro 360 – Guide to Movement and Pathfinding https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1605/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Game AI Pro 360 - Guide to Tactics and Strategy https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1607/

Visualizing Quaternions

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Visualizing Quaternions https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1609/

Quaternions for Computer Graphics

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Quaternions for Computer Graphics , First Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1612/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Quaternions for Computer Graphics , Second Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/2206

3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes

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Texturing and Modeling - A Procedural Approach

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Texturing and Modeling – A Procedural Approach, Third Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1614/

Level of Detail for 3D Graphics

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Non-Photorealistic Rendering

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Non-Photorealistic Rendering https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1631/

Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics - Modeling, Rendering, and Animation

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The Algorithms and Principles of Non-photorealistic Graphics - Artistic Rendering and Cartoon Animation

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog The Algorithms and Principles of Non-photorealistic Graphics - Artistic Rendering and Cartoon Animation https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1635/

Digital Character Development - Theory and Practice

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Digital Character Development - Theory and Practice , First Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1677/
计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Digital Character Development - Theory and Practice , Second Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1678/

3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook - A comprehensive guide to exploring rendering algorithms in modern OpenGL and Vulkan

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook - A comprehensive guide to exploring rendering algorithms in modern OpenGL and Vulkan https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1679/

Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus - Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization

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Graphics Programming Methods

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Principles of Digital Image Synthesis

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Digital Image Processing

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Digital Image Processing , Second Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1714/
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Game Development Tools

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Div, Grad, Curl, and All That - An Informal Text on Vector Calculus

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Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques - A Platform-Agnostic Approach

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Game Programming Patterns

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Game Programming Golden Rules

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Augmented Reality - Principles and Practice

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Practical Augmented Reality - A Guide to the Technologies, Applications, and Human Factors for AR and VR-Addison

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Practical Augmented Reality - A Guide to the Technologies, Applications, and Human Factors for AR and VR-Addison https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1735/

VR Developer Gems

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Image Objects - An Archaeology of Computer Graphics

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Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging

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A Biography of the Pixel

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Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++

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计算几何与计算机图形学必读书单整理-StubbornHuang Blog Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++, First Edition https://www.stubbornhuang.com/1753/
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GPGPU Programming for Games and Science

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Computer Facial Animation

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Handbook of Digital Image Synthesis - Scientific Foundations of Rendering

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Image Content Retargeting - Maintaining Color, Tone, and Spatial Consistency

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Introduction to Computer Graphics - A Practical Learning Approach

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Direct3D Rendering Cookbook

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Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics

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Computer Graphics - From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware

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The History of Visual Magic in Computers - How Beautiful Images are Made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR

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WebGL Programming Guide - Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with WebGL

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Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming

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The CUDA Handbook - A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming

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OpenGL Development Cookbook

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GPU Computing Gems

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3D Graphics for Game Programming

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Light & Skin Interactions - Simulations for Computer Graphics Applications

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Video Game Optimization

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Mathematics for Computer Graphics

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An Integrated Introduction to Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling

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Digital Modeling of Material Appearance

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Color Imaging - Fundamentals and Applications

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Data Structures and Algorithms for Game Developers

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Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics

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Advances in GPU Research and Practice

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Learn OpenGL - Learn modern OpenGL graphics programming in a step-by-step fashion

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Simulating Humans - Computer Graphics Animation and Control

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WebGL Gems - Learn How To Create 3D Worlds And Games For Modern Web Browsers

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Computer Graphics, C Version

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Vector Analysis for Computer Graphics

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Calculus for Computer Graphics

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Digital Lighting & Rendering

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Foundations of 3D computer graphics

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Computer Graphics with OpenGL

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Practical Linear Algebra - A Geometry Toolbox

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An Introduction to Ray Tracing

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AI Game Engine Programming

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AI Game Programming Wisdom

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Artificial Intelligence for Games

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Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI

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Cloth Modeling and Animation

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Virtual Clothing - Theory and Practice

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Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling - Implementation and Algorithms

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Designing the User Experience of Game Development Tools

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Real-Time 3D Graphics with WebGL 2

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Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics

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Matrix Transforms for Computer Games and Animation

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Mathematical Basics of Motion and Deformation in Computer Graphics

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Geometric and Discrete Path Planning for Interactive Virtual Worlds

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Hands-On C++ Game Animation Programming

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An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Finite Volume Method

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Mastering Graphics Programming with Vulkan

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Practical Shader Development - Vertex and Fragment Shaders for Game Developers

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The Modern Vulkan Cookbook - A practical guide to 3D graphics and advanced real-time rendering techniques in Vulkan

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Polygon Mesh Processing

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Computational Geometry – Algorithms and Applications

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Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry

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Geometric tools for computer graphics

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Computational Geometry in C

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Computational Geometry:An Introduction

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Geometric Algebra for Computer Science - An Object-Oriented Approach to Geometry

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Isosurfaces - Geometry, Topology, and Algorithms

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Guide to Computational Geometry Processing Foundations, Algorithms, and Methods

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Discrete and Computational Geometry

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Robust and Error-Free Geometric Computing

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Implicit Curves and Surfaces - Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms

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Computational Geometry - An Introduction Through Randomized Algorithms

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Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces

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Nonlinear Computational Geometry

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Handbook of Computer Aided Geometric Design

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Computational Geometry on Surfaces - Performing Computational Geometry on the Cylinder, the Sphere, the Torus, and the Cone

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Geometry for Computer Graphics - Formulae, Examples and Proofs

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Introduction to Computing with Geometry

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Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics

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Geometry for Programmers

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